Learn about how the notifications for deposits works
As outlined in the Deposits API and API Endpoints documentation, familiarity with Krayon Digital's API is required, as well as an understanding of wallet operations and cryptocurrency transactions.
First, you need to subscribe to different events to get a notification. Subscriptions.
Deposit status notifications
When a deposit changes its status, we will send you an asynchronous notification to the notification_url you provided in the Create Deposit request see more details.
Bear in mind we will only connect through ports 80 and 443. Make sure your notification_url has one of those ports open for accepting connections from us.
Under the Merchant's view -> Notifications, you can debug and test the notifications sent to your webhook, and check for any error reason.

Notification example:
"id": "fbe5471e080446a082f8ebe5be2f563c",
"status": "SUCCESS",
"amount": "1300",
"currency": "INR",
"payment_method": "UPI",
"description": "",
"payment_fee": "78.00",
"net_amount": "1222.00"
Please check notifications API ref for more information and response object fields. Notification.
Retry Logic
Our system notifies you whenever the status of a deposit changes, enabling you to verify the updated status.
If your server fails to process our notification, indicating a response with an HTTP code other than those in the 2XX range, our system will initiate a sequence of retries. This process will issue up to five additional attempts or until a response with an HTTP 2XX code is received, whichever occurs first.
We use an exponential backoff strategy for the intervals between each retry.
Note: If your system fails to process the notification after five attempts, the deposit status can still be ascertained using the Retrieve deposit details.. The reference for this endpoint is currently being finalized and will be provided soon.
Updated 10 months ago