Multi Party Approval
Wallet Quorum
The Multi-Factor Approval (MPA) is a security practice to secure withdrawals from a wallet owned by more than one user. When a transaction request is issued, the owners of the wallet, quorum-based, have to confirm the request.
When is MPA required?
The confirmation of the quorum is required in the following cases:
* If the requested withdrawal amount exceeds the spending limit defined for this wallet.
* If the requested withdrawal is below the spending limit for the wallet, but the recipient is not whitelisted.
* If the requested withdrawal amount exceeds the spending limit defined for one of the users.
What is a quorum?
A Quorum defines the minimum number of users out of all the wallet holders required to approve the transaction. The quorum is defined on the wallet level.
For example, if five users are holding this wallet, and confirmation of at least two of them is required, then the quorum will be (2,5)
Changing the quorum for a wallet requires the vote and approval of all the wallet holders.
Updated over 1 year ago