HTTP Status Codes

The Krayon API returns the following HTTP status codes:

Status codeMeaningDescription
200SuccessThe request was successful.
201CreatedA new object was created.
204No ContentRequest fulfilled, nothing follows.
400Bad RequestThe request was improperly formed and could not be understood by the server, often due to invalid syntax, insufficient funds, or a missing required parameter.
401UnauthorizedAuthentication failed (e.g. invalid token specified by the Authorization header).
403ForbiddenThe provided API token does not have permission to perform the requested action.
404Not FoundThe requested resource does not exist.
409ConflictThe requested resource cannot proceed with the requested action because it is not in the required state.
429Too Many RequestsClient request rate requests exceeded the limit.
500Internal Server ErrorSomething went wrong on the Krayon Digital side. We have been alerted and are working on it.
502Bad GatewaySomething went wrong on the Krayon Digital side. We have been alerted and are working on it.
503Service UnavailableSomething went wrong on the Krayon Digital side. We have been alerted and are working on it.
504Gateway TimeoutSomething went wrong on the Krayon Digital side. We have been alerted and are working on it.