Whitelist Object

A whitelist can be a contact address or a smart contract address. The whitelist is stored and managed by an organization and is identified in the system by its unique ID, the UUID.
The following table describes the fields in the REST API messages for whitelists:

idstringThe UUID. A unique ID of the whitelist.
created_atdateThe creation time of this whitelist.
Standard format of timestamp with a time zone.
updated_atdateThe time when this whitelist details were last updated.
Standard format of timestamp with a time zone.
namestringThe display name of this whitelist.
addressstringThe address of the contact or smart contract to be whitelisted.
blockchainstringThe blockchain of this address.
notestextThe notes for this whitelist.
organization_idstringThe ID of the organization to which this whitelist belongs. See Organization Object