Wallet Object

A wallet is used as an object on our platform. Users are associated with wallets and take part in a quorum. Assets, transactions, and transfers are stored in a wallet. A wallet is identified in the system by its unique ID, the UUID.

The following table describes the fields in the REST API messages for wallets:

idstringThe UUID. A unique ID of the wallet.
created_atdateThe creation time of the wallet, in a standard format of timestamp with a time zone.
updated_atdateThe time when the wallet details were last updated, in a standard format of timestamp with a time zone.
namestringThe name of the wallet.
typestringThe wallet type. One of the following values:.
* - Trading
* - Native
pending_usd_balancenumberThe amount of pending balance of the assets in the wallet, in USD. For example, 1000 USD.
The amount of USD balance to be removed from the USD balance after the transaction succeeded successfully.
total_usd_balancenumberThe available balance of the asset in the wallet, in USD. For example, 1000 USD.
When sending a transaction the balance is updated accordingly.
key_idstringThe key identifier that belongs to the wallet.
blockchainstringThe wallet's blockchain.
addressstringThe address of the wallet.
imagestringThe link to the wallet's logo.
descriptiontextThe description of the wallet.
num_quorumstringThe current quorum size of the wallet.
group_idstringThe wallet-group ID this wallet belongs to. See Wallet-Group Object.
organization_idstringThe organization id this wallet belongs to. See Organization Object.
active_election_idstringThe latest election id that is conducted on this wallet. See Election Object.