NFT Collection Object

An NFT collection is all non-fungible assets that are under the same contract address of an NFT contract.

idstringThe UUID. A unique ID of the NFT contract.
created_atstringThe creation time of the NFT contract.
Standard format of timestamp with a time zone.
updated_atstringThe time when the NFT contract details were last updated.
Standard format of timestamp with a time zone.
addressstringThe address of the NFT smart contract.
blockchainnumberThe blockchain of the NFT smart contract.
typestringThe type of the NFT smart contract.
One of the following:
* ERC721
* ERC1155
namestringThe name of the NFT smart contract.
symbolstringThe symbol of the NFT smart contract.
logo_uriURLThe metadata of the NFT smart contract.
image_urlURLThe image to represent the NFT smart contract.