User Object

A user is a person that is defined and managed under an organization and is identified in the system by its unique ID, the UUID.
The following table describes the fields in the REST API messages for users:

idstringThe UUID. A unique ID of the user.
created_atdateThe creation time of the user.
Standard format of timestamp with a time zone.
updated_atdateThe time when the user details were last updated.
Standard format of timestamp with a time zone.
first_namestringThe first name of the user.
last_namestringThe last name of the user.
full_namestringThe full name of the user.
date_joineddateThe date the user joined with Auth0 authentication system.
emailstringThe email of the user.
email_verifiedbooleanIndicates whether the user's email has been verified by the user.
is_activebooleanIf this user is active or not.
is_adminbooleanIf this user is admin or not.
spending_limitobjectThe spending limits for this wallet. see Spending Limits objects below.
tokenobjectThe tokens for this user. See Tokens Object
organization_idstringThe organization id this user belongs to. See Organization Object

Spending Limit Object


allowancenumberHow much can be spent within the period
intervalnumber* HOUR
* ONE_TIME - infinite period
amount_pendingnumberAmount that was requested to be spent within the current spending interval.
amount_spentnumberAmount that was confirmed to be spent within the current spending interval.
contractobjectThe contract id this spending limits belongs to. See Contact Object
userobjectThe user id this spending limits belongs to. See User Object

read more at Spending Limits