Version 1.6
about 1 year ago by Idan Shperling
Version 1.6:
🚀 Version 1.6 Release Notes
Backend Updates 🚀:
- Fixed and improved price oracle integration functions for more accurate data retrieval.
- Improved the subscriptions view serializer model for enhanced data representation.
- Implemented various fixes and improvements across the system, including deposit and settlement.
- Introduced new fee logic for more accurate fee calculations.
- Expanded settlement fields to provide more detailed information.
- Integrated additional requests to the deposit functionality.
- Enhanced the settlement process with additional filters and sorting capabilities.
- New Subscriptions endpoint.
- Refactor wallet creation to support derived wallets for payments feature.
- Enhanced Transactions filters.
- Added filters to deposits for more refined search capabilities.
- Fix Bitcoin Transaction fee problems.
- Fix Bitcoin transaction failing due to floating point problem.
- Add CSV report creation across the system, including deposit and settlement.
- Fix user deletion from the organization.
- Zero balance assets fix.
- Add support for crypto payments.
- Add better deposit flows.
Compliance 🛡:
- Integrated Elliptic support workflow for crypto payments feature.
Infrastructure 🛠:
- Add temporal workers to manage the transactions, sweep process, and more.
- Upgrade Pydantic Lib V1 to V2
- Better Django admin for internal use
- Updated various dependencies to the latest versions, ensuring better security and performance.
WIP 👷:
- Sweep wallets flow for crypto payments feature.
- Automatic Sweep triggers
Frontend Updates 🎨:
UI/UX Enhancements 🚀:
- Merchants view fixes.
- Settlements view fixes.
- Implement better pagination across the system, including transactions, deposits and settlements.
- Reordering of wallets groups.
- Add ability to add tokens.
- Add send notification only once when transaction confirmed flag in organization policies.
- Fix filters cross wide.
- Election view fixes.
Refactoring 🌟:
- Refactor the whole transfer view.
Mobile APP 📱:
WIP 👷:
- Add authentication screen, transfer screen, wallet details screen, elections and voting screens and more.