Version 0.8


Version 0.8:


  • Implemented organization policies and elections functionality, established organization quorum size, and allowed deletion of an admin for enhanced control and governance.
  • Optimized BTC transactions to be fully functional and effective.
  • Updated version dependencies for better compatibility and performance.
  • Expanded logging capacity and restructured logs to be compatible with multiple providers such as Data Dog.
  • Integrated Coingecko API to fetch the latest cryptocurrency prices for accurate transactions.
  • Improved the calculation of USD fees on EVM and BTC transactions. Added an error field for better troubleshooting when estimation encounters an issue.
  • Enhanced API endpoints to support increased metadata for NFTs.
    Resolved a critical memory leak issue within the wallet service for improved stability and reliability.
  • Optimized BTC transaction fees for cost-effectiveness.
  • Enhanced metrics and analytics for insightful monitoring and decision-making.
  • Introduced wallet synchronization feature for consistent and updated data across devices.
  • Fixed user and admin permissions for Assets and NFT assets to ensure appropriate access control.


  • Fixed the onboarding page to function correctly post successful registration.
  • Resolved the email dropdown issue for smoother user interaction.
  • Addressed the gravatar display issues during elections.
    Fixed the broken transactions tags issue to improve transaction history readability.
  • Optimized backend calls, reducing excess requests to enhance system performance.
  • Enhanced error handling in the transfer view for better user experience and understanding.
  • Implemented a transaction preview view for a comprehensive understanding of transactions before submission.
  • Updated the icons and states for a better user interface.
  • Introduced error and 502 screens for better user guidance during system errors.
  • Performed various UI/UX fixes for a seamless and intuitive user experience.


  • Bolstered system security with improved firewall rules to maintain data privacy and uphold system integrity.
  • Enhanced security measures as part of the ongoing SOC2 certification process.
  • Optimized build processes to minimize failures and enhance system development efficiency.